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Lots of Stuff

These Eight bulls below are Lots of Stuff's Progeny.

Please call for specific pricing enquiries we definitely sell more for less.  For pedigree 205, 300,and 365  day data weight/horn growth on each bull please call and we can send it to you.  Apologies for not having it readily available as our website is still under construction.

further Below is Lots of Stuff's Pedigree.

801 Prog LOS 2 Sale.JPG
804 Prog LOS 3 sale.JPG
817 Prog LOS 2 Sale.JPG
826 Prog LOS 4 Sale.JPG
827 Prog LOS 4 Sale.JPG
837 Prog LOS 2 Sale.JPG
808 Prog LOS 3 Sale.JPG
833 Prog LOS 3.JPG

Below is Lots of Stuffs Sire and Dam Pedigree.

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